Tuesday, August 9, 2011

IMOUTOU maid cafe & workshop sneak preview

Now lets review our progress in our renovation so far..

First of all, we didn't use any Interior designer to help us design and built the renovation,
We designed it our-self, and one of us apparently have the skills to draw it in CAD and have some henchmen that can be forced to work as labour to do the renovation :p

But for the furniture, we ordered it from Semarang

We do what we did best of-course, because we're used to building gunpla
there is a bit similarity with our design for this cafe..

This is the first result of the renovation

As you can see we added some drop ceiling and give a nice indirect blue light in it
and added special lighting for every tables

Are these panel lines?

Yes they are! like I said before, we do what we did best Xp
so we add some 1/1 scale panel lining on the wall
just like what we do to our gunpla

then we add our furniture in

This is what it looks like for the time being, maybe we gonna add something later on,
We really like the result right now.

By the way, did you see the hug pillow in there?
we add it not just to sweeten the atmosphere inside but we use it also for another reason
you also see three glasses in the back right?
they are our emergency lights :p
this is in what our store looks like if there is a power failure

Its still looks nice Xp

And for the workshop in the second floor..
We didn't add much for the interior, we're focusing on completing the tools that we'll provide for our member to use later.

So this is the workshop so far :)

We are currently still trying to completing our store, but if you happen to pass by, and you see us inside, even when the sign say that we are close, we welcome you to come inside and try our snacks and drinks.

Because we're currently in soft opening mode, to test our tools and training our maids.
Please be patient we will be fully open soon

Thank you


  1. Wooogh ... Very very very nice ... O.O

  2. Dan itu Leony udah komplit pake wig panjang? ... XD

  3. Oh, udah resmi jadi Leony yah? XD
    Selamat buat Hathaway Noa~

  4. Pengen cobain garap gundam disana semaleman.
    Ditemenin maid seorang kan? Siapa aja boleh asal jangan Leony.

  5. thanks grave, but that is not leony :p
    thanks pled and you should do so airos, we'll be waiting :)

  6. luking gut......tung gak ada foto leony disini,bisa2 pada kabur semua

  7. Woiiii!!!


    Woff Woff!! Kenapa topik'nya jadi itu sih..

  8. Pengen ikut workshop sby..
    Tapi ga bisa ke situ T^T

  9. huaaaaaaaaahh~ jadi juga jar?~ maid kisa ambisimu? yare2 daze~

  10. ntar kita yg ngundang aja nitch, hehehe
    bake makasih yah!!

  11. wohohoho, keren ni pak PJ!
    Tp yg mengganjal itu kolom di tengah dinding ny, klo bs pake partition sampe semua ny leveled jd lebih bagus.
    Love the cove light and glossy tiles!

    kesian yg disiksa suruh lembur terus itu..... ^^

  12. Wah selamat2, klo ke Surabaya boleh nih ke sini :D. Di Jakarta kayanya belon pernah ngeliat yg kayak gini neh. Hehehe.

  13. thanks heathorn, well I thought the column suppose to be there in a real mother ship hull, they do need that to support the structure right. so its doesn't matter. and this cafe suppose to give the felling of you being in a maid cafe inside of a gundam mother ship.
    kisuha and canopy, thanks and please do come by :)

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  15. jadi ga sabar nunggu, udah bisa dipake belom ya workshopnya?? hehe
    di etalase nya jual apa aja ya? ada mark setter sama softer ga ya?

  16. ini yg bnr almatnya dmna sih?? jln jawa apa di pakuwon city???
